Dr Ameya Bhat
B.E (Comp), Pgd(IT), Dr. (h.c)
Dr Ameya Bhat is the founder of LatMatrix. He has over 19 years of experience in software industry and he looks after overall growth of LatMatrix. Under his leadership, LatMatrix has achieved many new milestones.

Books written by Dr Bhat-
Thanks to Padma Bhushan Dr Vijay Bhatkar for writing a lovely forward for my book "Simplicity of Java", a book on Java programming language. It means a lot. Dr Bhatkar is considered a pioneer of computer technology in India. He built India's first super computer "Param". Recently, President of India appointed him as a Chancellor of Nalanda University.
Why I wrote this book and why this book is unique-
Today, if someone wants to start programming in Java, he/she is not aware where to begin. They search the internet or list of books for sources and get confused what is really required or what is not. Suddenly, programming starts to look difficult. To overcome this confusion, I have written this book. This book outlines and describes main components of Java so that anyone can start writing the code as soon as possible.
This book is the first book in "Simplicity" series. There will be books on Python, AI/ML, etc in near future. Please stay tuned in.

Front page
Forward by Padma Bhushan Dr Vijay Bhatkar
Table of contents
1) Simplicity of Java-
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